If you receive a chargeback notification from us, and you do not agree that the client is entitled to a refund, it must be disputed. If you do not dispute it within the ‘Challenge by’ date provided to you on the notification, the chargeback will be subsequently lost, and the client will have the monies returned to them.
If you receive a chargeback notification and feel you can provide sufficient evidence – Dispute it!
Knowing how to dispute it and with what supporting information is vitally important also. Please do not hesitate to speak with our Support team directly and ask them what they need from you to dispute chargebacks on your behalf. This way, you can be prepared and ready, with your evidence in-hand, should a chargeback be received. Did the client travel or use the service? Has a refund already been provided? Did the client agree to your T&C’s at the time of travel? Can we evidence this? The more concise you can be with your dispute and evidence, the more likely you are to succeed in defending chargebacks.
When you receive a chargeback notification, we will provide you with a ‘Reason Code’, to explain why the chargeback has been raised. This will assist you in understanding what evidence is needed to support your dispute. For more information on each reason code, please click onto the next page ‘Dispute Codes and Supporting Documentation’
If we receive additional comments from the bank regarding the reason for the dispute, we will add these to the ‘Public Comments’ section within the Chargeback in the Infinity Dashboard to help you with your defence.
If you would like to dispute/appeal a Chargeback, please use this form to provide the information to represent your Chargeback:
Dispute/ appeal a Chargeback Form
Please ensure that your defence, including all your supporting documentation, is submitted before the ‘Challenge by’ date found against each Chargeback
For more information, please email us: disputeteam@trustmytravel.com